Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Getting your feet wet...

In my pie crust recipe post I mentioned that Jello products were all GF UNLESS stated otherwise on the package after the ingredient list.  I am very happy to also say that ALL KRAFT products are very well labeled and do NOT contain gluten UNLESS it is stated as "Contains Wheat, Barley, Rye or Oats" after the ingredient list.  And KRAFT is TOTALLY trustworthy.  They take GF very seriously and are very good at their labeling.

Also, a LOT of Wal-Mart's generic GREAT VALUE brand products are GF and it will state that clearly on the label as "Gluten Free" or "Naturally Gluten Free".  This is found outlined in a blue rectangle somewhere on the back of the label near the ingredient list.

Speaking of reading the labels, gluten is hidden in a LOT of things that you wouldn't expect.  A few watch words to look out for and avoid include:
*Modified Food Starch
*Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
*Cereal Extract
*Flour - unless specifically labeled GF
*Matzoh/matzoh meal
*Cracker meal
*Bread Crumbs
*Natural flavors
*Artificial flavors
*Hydrolyzed vegetable or plant proteins also labeled as HVP/HPP
*Imitation Bacon or seafood
*Processed food
*Soy Sauce or soy sauce solids
*Textured Vegetable Protein

Some words that you will see and that are SAFE, include:
*Soy Lecithin
*Food Emulsifiers

You will notice that a brand will have one specific item that is labeled GF, while other items will not be labeled GF.  This is okay.  Usually the items labeled GF are processed in separate facilities or the facility practices the Safe Manufacturing Cleanliness Procedures.  Just make sure that the bag of chips or whatever you buy says that it is GF, or in the case of Kraft, doesn't have any gluten listed after the ingredient list.  Some products will not specifically say "Gluten Free" but will still be safe.  Being able to judge which are safe and which are not will come with time and research.  In the meantime, here is a website that has a ton of GF foods listed by brand that you can try while you figure out your new diet...

After you get to the page you can navigate to the A-L section of the list at the top of the page.  This has been a great help to us!  Next time I will work on getting you a list of websites to look at, and of course some more advice and suggestions!  Just remember to BREATHE!!

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